September 26th, 2023
Q: Given that you are both pursuing humane ways of working; how open are you finding senior leaders to be with that pursuit in the current economic climate?
Matthew - It’s a good question and I think part of it is that it is such a switch from the mechanistic, factory-based mentality that many people in senior leadership have developed, since the 1950s. Some leaders are very open to it and show great leadership in the space. Others less so. This shift is going to take a while, and maybe some organisations will never get there.
Jon - I echo what Matthew said. Some leopards don’t change their spots, and some leopards believe they can command and control. What got the leader to their current position was a culture of fear and that is what will carry on getting them to where they want to be. I do think in some cases it may even be generational. Then some people recognise that a culture of fear and command and control is not the most humane way to achieve things. So, it's difficult and there has to be an incentive to change. My rule of thumb is 80% culture and only 20% process.
Q: How do you get the conversation started with leaders about continuous improvement, and penetrating that message to the people pulling the square wheel when you are in a perpetually busy culture?
Q: What is the support like for Team Topologies and Better Value Sooner Safer Happier from the executive level outside of technology?