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Business Outcomes (OKRs)

Value-Creation Made Simple

Optimize performance, and drive meaningful outcomes within your organizations. Focus on practices to understand customer needs, pains and gains, customer journey and to define measurable outcomes (OKRs) with leading and lagging indicators.

Business meeting
Get Results That Matter. Learn to Measure Value and Improve Business Outcomes. 

"This course gave me methods and thinking that are very valuable and ready to apply"

Get the skills you need to achieve measurable improvements in your business outcomes, and deliver better value to your customers. Learn how to optimize performance, and drive meaningful outcomes within your organizations, by focusing on customer needs, pains and gains, customer journey and to define measurable outcomes (OKRs) with leading and lagging indicators.

This half-day event is packed with interactive exercises, group discussions, and practical case studies helping you empathize with your target audience or customers. Understand the significance of outcomes and distinguish between leading and lagging indicators to improve customer experience, and drive success in your organization though practical exercises such as Outcome Canvas (OKR) You'll learn how to maintain a laser-sharp focus on your customers, write your own nested outcomes with key results, articulate thin slices of value, and build alignment and transparency across your enterprise.

This half day workshop will help you

Deliver better value to your customers

Articulate thin slices of value to deliver better value to your customers

Customer focused decision

Achieve measurable improvements in your business outcomes

Build alignment and transparency

Write your own nested outcomes with key results to keep everyone aligned and on track

What to expect
Virtual or In Person 
  • Private Slack channel & enrolment in BVSSH Community

  • Tree planted for every course participant

Happier means happier colleagues, customers, citizens and climate.

Through our registered UK charity partner treesisters we will fund the planting of a tree for every candidate.

Over its life this will absorb approx. 200 times more than the CO2 emitted by your participation in a two day remote class


Course content

Learning Objectives
Course syllabus - Learning Objectives

Learning Objective 1:

Know your customers 

  • Understand and empathize with your target audience or customers

  • Explore your customer needs, pains and gains. (Empathy mapping)

Learning Objective 2:

Customer journey mapping 

Learning Objective 3: 

Define measurable outcomes 

  • Map the existing (as-is) customer journey.

  • Map the pains and gains across the journey

  • Prioritise the critical pain points

  • Understand the significance of outcomes and distinguish between leading and lagging indicators to improve customer experience, and drive success in your organization: Outcome Canvas (OKR)

"This is a good course to help you to take your big ideas and break them down into attainable pieces of work that impact your business objectives."

"Outcome mapping was really good - a penny drop moment that an outcome should result in a change in the customer behaviour."

"The course teaches you how to deliver better value. How to visualize the value. How to move quickly."

Upcoming workshops: Book your place!
Through booking, you acknowledge the terms & conditions here and the privacy policy here.
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Who is this for
Why we love this workshop

"This morning, I introduced colleagues to a pattern that I had heard about. It had a dramatic impact! Your training is immediately making a drastic difference in my organisation."

Training Participant


​Get ready for half a day of interactive and practical learning. Through case studies, group discussions, and hands-on exercises, you'll learn how to visualise flow, limit work in progress, and optimise for value.

This workshop is great for :

Business Outcomes workshop can benefit a wide range of professionals, it is particularly relevant for those seeking to foster agility, optimize performance, and drive meaningful outcomes within their organizations. It is focusing on practices to understand customer needs, pains and gains, customer journey and to define measurable outcomes (OKRs) with leading and lagging indicators.

Product owners

Programme managers 

Value Stream/Outcome Leads

Portfolio Managers 

Service owners 

Platform Managers 

Product or Services Business Owners

Modern Accessible Office

Our Trainers

Our expert facilitators are able to spend more or less time on particular concepts as guided by participants so learning can be prioritised where it will be most valuable, and make sure that the core concepts are covered in the program.

Delivered virtually or in-person through back-of-the-room facilitation, we offer different training programs and courses that are engaging and interactive. Participants can sign-up for the publicly offered courses or private in-house sessions can be organised for groups within an organisation.

Join with your team

Contact us to book a private workshop for your team

Office meeting
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