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A movement enabling organisations to achieve
better outcomes for all and a more humane
world of work

Start your Journey

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Through case studies, group discussions and practical scenario-based exercises, our training offers engaging interactive learning to help you connect patterns for business agility into your context.

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The community is a global movement comprising of leaders at all levels and in all roles seeking better ways of working to improve oucomes.

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A global business agility consultancy with colleagues in each major time zone/region, we support organizations large and small to improve business agility across your whole enterprise, leading to better outcomes for all.

Focus on Outcomes

Organisations everywhere are seeking to become more flexible, more adaptable to ever changing markets environments and shifting consumer behaviours. Adaptability and agility is a key competitive advantage in order to survive and thrive.

The Sooner Safer Happier movement recognises this culture change is emergent and not easy to get right. Every organisation is unique and there can be no-one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach. It is necessary  to be clear about the desired outcomes of agility, about improving Better Value Sooner Safer Happier, as the primary goal. 

These measurable outcomes will provide your feedback loop, your compass, to support the continuous improvement of your organisation's ways of working.









lead time


flow efficiency


continuous compliance

agile, not fragile

​Focus on Outcomes is an example of a 'pattern' for business agility: these are lessons learned the hard way, key learnings to help you on your journey to better ways of working in the Age of Digital.  

Sooner Safer Happier patterns and antipatterns are created by practitioners based upon experiences of enabling change over many years in many organisations; these are offered to help you improve:

  • Quality of product/service, built in from the start rather than 'inspected' in later

  • Customers delight including internal as well as external customers

  • Increased value, guided by leading and lagging measures (such as OKR's)

  • Accelerated pace of change and reduced time to market

  • Governance safety and regulatory compliance - speed with control

  • Colleague engagement, higher passion, higher retention and lower burnout

  • A lasting cultural change that is sticky

No matter what methodologies are present within our organisation, pursuing a goal of Better Value Sooner Safer Happier can enable you to unlock your organisation's desired cultural and outcome improvement.

Courtney Kissler, VP Global Technology, Nike

"Most organizations would say they have a solid strategy, and some are pursuing new ways of working to achieve that strategy; however, often not in an optimal way. BVSSH is the unlock for organisations and this book gives the practical guidance to WIN"


Get the book - so many 5 - star reviews

Jonathan Smart and authors, business agility practitioners, thought leaders, and coaches, reveal patterns and antipatterns to show how business leaders from every industry can help their organisations deliver value sooner, safer, and happier through high levels of engagement, inclusion and empowerment. 

Supporting reforestation and women's leadership with TreeSisters

Get in touch

Where will you start your journey? Reach out for a virtual coffee to explore how we can help. 

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